Friday, April 10, 2009

Sprouting Up, Digging In...

"During each of the three seasonal harvests that make up the annual cycle, nature produces the seeds with which to heal the ills of that season and help prepare the body for the season that follows. In the West we look on nature as a cruel force that must be subdued...but the Native American and Eastern traditions see in nature the potential solutions to every imbalance."
- From The Three Season Diet, by John Douillard
Spring is beautiful on many levels. That rush of hopefulness, a day of warm sun, crocus pushing through a thick bed of pine needles, a child on a swing... with no jacket! One of the most beautiful things about Spring for me are the gifts of the edible green world, seen and unseen.
In those crazy olden days, nothing green would have graced a plate for the many long, dark days of winter. Roots, meat and fat filled the stew bowls and then eventually just a couple of roots, if you were lucky. By the time ramps (wild spring onions), dandelion greens, watercress, and tender spring kale were finally enjoyed, there was a seasons worth of mucus build up in the body to be broken down. The winter foods supplied bulk and warmth and now the astringent Spring foods would do some necessary cleaning out.
Sprouts like wheat grass, alfalfa, and mung are great bitter, astringent foods to add to your diet around this time. So are the delicious spicy greens like mustard and watercress. Dandelion greens are very detoxifying so you might notice an increased urge to pee. The original French word for this plant was 'Pisenlit' which means 'pee in the bed' because that is exactly what would happen if the roots, leaves or tea were taken before bed!
What better way to spice up your salads than by saving a ton of money and growing these sprouts yourself! Here is a good general sprout guide with a sprouting chart:
After a couple of days you will have enough sprouts to get quite creative with!
Mung, Wild Rice and French Green lentil

Alfalfa sprouts will blow your mind after starting with just a couple tablespoons of seeds...

Here's one breakfast we can't get enough of:

2 Poached Eggs
Watercress Greens
drizzle of lemon vinaigrette
Fresh Alfalfa Sprouts
Let me know if you can solve this one:
For the last bite, walnut or poached egg?


  1. That breakfast looks delicious!! Is that 3 teared sprout container made special for sprouting purposes? Can I have it? Ha! No really, is that a special sprouting technique? I use a ceramic jar and they are just all in there floating around together, that looks so nice and neat. Chopper would be proud.

  2. Say hello to my little friend, the BIOSTA! hee hee, lots of fun, a little tempermental, fairly inexpensive, problems with the 'little red caps' sometimes. But I have figured out how it works for me, with a little TLC. FUN! I also love the jar method and I am on the hunt for screen top attachments... pssst, the lentils are sweeeeet.

  3. You can cook for me any day, any way, in a tree or with honey from a bee!

  4. Poached egg smeared with all the last bits of dressing.

  5. Great blog, found you through Persephone. I've got a whole slew of seeds to sprout for eating and have never got around to it. You really inspired me.

  6. Thanks Bethany! Good luck and happy tending...
